Over the past few months I've been having a chat with few of my friends about white dots that keep appearing in some of our photographs. I've only ever seen them in pictures of Christian people or at Christian worship events. Here are just a few examples. I'd be keen to hear people's thoughts on what they thought they were? Do any of your photos have these white dots? Let me know wat you think

Some people believe these white dots are angelic orbs - I'm not so sure. However one theory that I have is that they look like halos as classically depicted in some artwork. For example

Keen to hear your thoughts...
Clean your lens.
Sorry to be really prosaic - but I got these in my photos after I got splashes of water on my camera. After that, the white blobs appeared in certain temperature conditions which made me think they were formed by condensation within the lens. And they only showed against a relatively dark background.
I got a brand new camera, and took pictures at night outside. And i got pictures of orbs. Then i returned the camera on the next day, and took more pictures the next night. i also got the orbs in the pictures. So do some more research on it, before saying its a splash. great pictures btw, thanks for sharing!
I got a new camera a few days ago, and took pictures outside early morning, and got the orbs in them. I returned the camera the next day, and got another brand new one. Took more pictures - also got orbs on them. So it's not the water on the the lenz. Anyway, great pictures, thanks for sharing!
Amazingly, I have a child named Noah. He's four months old. We're all born again Christians. My pregnancy with Noah was threatened and at one time we thought it was terminated b/c they were picking up no heartbeat. I prayed for him, as well as my church, that he would be born healthy, despite what the medical professional said. "Lean not on your own understanding" was a scripture that I stood on. I knew that he was going to be special. I consistently call him "My little annointed one" since I was pregnant and up until now. I have a picture from Halloween where I am holding him. Directly above him is a white orb. Perfectly above his head. There was no way that there could be a reflection from the camera, seeing that it was in the corner of my entryway. I stumbled upon this website and instantly started talking in tongues. I believe it was a spiritual being from God confirming that ,Yes indeed, my little Noah is "my little annointed one."
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