Friday 24 October 2008

Rules Rules Rules

I've been thinking a wee bit about the 10 Commandments tonight (or the Decalouge - check who goes to Bible College). I used to think that these rules were there for us to follow so that we could please God. I now realise that God's commands and laws are there for us to avoid the pitfalls, to avoid those things that bring pain and hurt. By following God's commands we are able to live life in its fullness.

When Jesus says he is the fulfilment of the law - he's really saying he has the key to life. He is the one man man who has experienced life in its fullness. I was using the example of a weight watchers leader when talking to my friend tonight. These people often tell us how to lose weight, give us tips and advice. But if we look at them and we see someone who is overweight then their advice is discredited.

Why should we trust Jesus? Because he is the only person in the history of this world that has experienced the complete fullness of life. By following his tips for life and his advice we have a guide to a full, complete and satisfying life.

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