The larger question for us is not "Will you cross the finish line?" but "Whose hands will you be holidng as you cross the line?"
We've been using this book in our life groups at church. The basic premise for the book is that we need 11 different types of people in our lives if we are to become the person God intended. Essentially it is a book about friendship. We are not strongest when we are alone, rather we are strongest when we are in community.
The book argues that we all need:
a Jethro - a butt-kicker
a Timothy - an heir
a Barnabus - an encourager
a Peter/Paul - a coach/mentor
a Deborah - back-coverer and guardian
a Zacchaeus- a reject
a Rhoda - a "Little One"
a group of VIP's - a Lydia and Lazarus, Rich and Poor
a Jerusalem - You need a place
An invisable 12th - the Holy Spirit
I've only just started reading it but would encourage you to get your hands on a copy of the book if you can.
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